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How to Convert Image to Base64 String in Python Convert Image to Base64 String import base64 b64_bytes = base64.b64encode(img_file.read()) print(b64_str) output: b'f4nhf4ngd4bjfYrjeofidIbhc4XecobdcoffZ4Lfb4XcaoHfc4~~~~~~~~TS11UzyHVEOfUUawUEe2' The output type is bytes starting with b’. Or you can say your base64 encoded string is in the pair of single quotation. In order to remove b’ from the prefix of base64 code in Python, b64_str = b64_byt..
ROS1 vs. ROS2 (Short Description) Why ROS2? Real time Safety Certification Security ROS1 vs. ROS2 - API ROS1: Linux >> TCPROS/UDPROS >> rospy and roscpp >> Master & Your code ROS2 (has more layaers): Linux/Windows/MacOS >> DDS >> rclpy, rclcpp, rcl... >> Your code Writing a node ROS1: def callback_number(msg): def callback_reset_counter(req): if __name__ == '__main__': ROS2: class NumberCounterNode(Node): def __init__(self): def..
How to clear the ubuntu terminal In the terminal, use the following command; $ printf "\033c" You can also define an alias in the bash file. $ gedit ~/.bashrc Add the following line at the end of the file. alias cls='printf "\033c"' Then you can use cls to clear the terminal anytime you want.
QGC full window (missing title bar) If you cannot see the title bar of QGC, here is the solution.Please DOUBLE-CLICK the second menu icon in QGC; Then you can get out of the full screen mode of QGC and find the title bar.
Matlab installation ubuntu (우분투에 매틀랩 설치) 소프트웨어 다운로드 (Download Software) Go to the https://www.mathworks.com/downloads/Download the installation file and unzip the file. 설치 (Installation) unzip the installation file to anywhere you like.open terminal, type the command below: sudo sh installchange any settings as you see fit and install the software to its preferred location /usr/local/MATLABactive MATLAB with your credentialsMatlab 실행 (..